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iPhone Face ID Not Working With Mask? Try This Trick

Face ID. It was a brilliant invention until the pandemic made the the technology useless.

With the new iOS update, Face ID will now recognize if you have a mask on and automatically unlock your iPhone using your Apple Watch. Both your watch and iPhone need to be on the latest update for it to work. This hack will prob save you 3 secs but its pretty nice

How to use the new unlock feature

Once iOS 14.5 and your Apple Watch has WatchOS 7.4 installed, you can turn on Unlock with Apple Watch with a few taps. 

Open the Settings app on your iPhone and then select Face ID & Passcode, enter your PIN when asked. Next, scroll down until you find the section titled Unlock with Apple Watch. The name of your Apple Watch should be listed there. Next to it is a toggle to turn the feature on or off. Slide that switch to the On position and then back out of the Settings app. 

Going forward, whenever you're wearing a face covering, all you have to do is hold your phone up like you normally would to unlock it with Face ID. You'll feel a haptic tap on your wrist, letting you know your watch was used to unlock your phone.