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Does Instagram, TikTok and Facebook keep track of your exact location?

Do Instagram, Facebook and TikTok actually keep track of your exact location? Yes, but that doesn't mean that stalkers and criminals can see where you are too.

You have probably seen the viral post all around social– but here’s the thing, it’s not 100% accurate.  The iOS update does not display a user’s exact location automatically in everything you post. Instead, Instagram says it uses “precise location” for things like location tags and maps features.”  

There is no automatic tracking. Your precise location is only available to other users if you’re adding a location tag to a post or using the maps feature.

So don’t freak out, but if you do want to remove the location tracking, here’s how.

Go to Settings. Next, scroll down and find the app that you want to prevent from knowing your exact location -- like, Twitter, Instagram. Tap on the app you're looking for, then go to Location.

If you've granted this application access to your location, you'll see a checkmark next to either Ask Next Time Or When I Share or While Using the App. Below that, you'll see the "Precise Location" feature. To stop sharing your exact location with this app, toggle off Precise Location.

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