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Spotlight on Black Women in Tech

The tech industry is largely a man's world.. a very white man's world at that. It’s no secret that there’s a lack representation in the technology industry and this needs to change. According to this National Center For Women & InformationTechnology study, women of color made up only about 11% of the computing and mathematical workforce in 2019, with Black women only comprising 3% of the total.

Here are 10 phenomenal women in tech who are making strides and that you should all know about.

Olivia Smith, @iamoliviasmith  

Acquisition Marketing, Hop Skip Drive 

-Aims to create multi-channel retargeting and conversion campaigns that play on consumer heartstrings in a content heavy world.
-HopSkipDrive provides a safe, dependable way to get children to where they need to be.

Christina Woody Train, @thewoodytrain 

Founder Buckshot Marketing  

-Over 15 years of experience leading global marketing and digital teams for brands like: Disney Consumer Products, Verizon, Samsung, Xbox, and General Motors.
-Recent work: Girls Build Summit / teenVogue Summit with the likes of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, Cara Delevigne, Serena Williams, Shonda Rimes, Jackie Aina, Arlan Hamilton, Bozoma Saint John, Dr. Knatoki Ford and more made headlines.
-Started Buckshot marketing in 2015

Rose Stucky Krik, @rosestuckeykirk  

President  Verizon Foundation  

-Member of the Women’s Leadership Board of the Harvard Kennedy School, the Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Leader’s Forum.
-Serves on the Ad Council’s Advisory Committee; the Advisory Board of Arkansas State University, and the Executive Leadership Council.
- Been at Verizon since 1998

Nicole Gibbson,  @nicolegibbonsstyle 

CEO Clare 

- Started her design blog in 2008 as an outlet for creativity
- Started her design firm in 2008 as a part time job
- 2013 launched her design firm as a full venture, Nicole Gibbson Studio
- A part of Oprah Winfrey Networks's thrid season of Home Made Simple
- Launched Clare on July 2018"

Sarah Bond   

Head of Xbox partnerships

- Harvard and Yale Graduate
- Background working for McKinsey & Co for 4 years
- T-Mobile for 6 years as Senior VP for Emerging businesses
- Started at Microsoft as GM of Gaming Partnerships and Business Development
- Presented in the 2019 Xbob E3 briefing

Something you should know: A survey by the International Game Developers Association published last year surveyed almost 1,000 people working in the US video game industry.
It found that only 1% of respondents identified as black or African-American and only 4% identified as Hispanic or Latinx — the gender-neutral term for people of Latin-American ethnicity.

Saudat Atta,  @sabby_5 @treatsbysabby 

IT Manager Thrive Digital
- Studied in Paris
- Interned in Nigeria, Romania, Turkey
- Now living in British Columbia, Vancouver
- Part time in baking

Pariss Athena , @BTPipeline" "@ParissAthena

Founder  Black Tech Pipeline  

- Started with screen writing a later entered into the web development coding and runs Black Tech Twitter

Olabisi Boyle, @OlabisiBoyle  

VP  IOT of Visa

- Elected as co-chair and board member of the Chrysler African American Network and board member of the Detroit-area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP)
-Recipient of the 2018 Women in Payments Innovation Award and is currently an Advisory Board Member for the Los Angeles Auto Show (AutoMobility LA).
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Fordham University.

Joy Ofodu, @JoyOfodu

Brand Marketing Manager  Instagram 

- USC 2018 Graduate in Communication
- Focusing in empowering offline and online communities #shareblackstories