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Spotlight: Women in Data

Last week we featured three amazing female founders making waves in the tech space as creators and doers. This week, we’re kicking off Women Crush Wednesday with three women who work in Data.

P.S. Data has surpassed oil in terms of value, keep reading to see what these innovative women are doing for the world in numbers.

Sadie St. Lawrence founded Women In Data, an organization focused on bringing diversity and connections to help guide the meaning of data. Always asking why, her curiosity about the world began as a very young child. She got her Bachelors Degree in Psychology from California State University and her masters in Analytics from Villanova University. Data in and of itself can be holistically applied so it makes sense that Sadie is also a Certified Yoga Teacher. There’s no doubt that Sadie will continue to do great things for the Women In Data community. Currently, Sadie is an AI strategist at Accenture a highly recognized Digital Consultancy.

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Kriti Bhatia is a Data Enthusiast who strongly advocates for women in data and helps women find opportunities in STEM. Her superpower is Data, she uses it to guide change and help businesses’ efficiency. She got her Bachelors Degree in Economics from the University of Nevada and started as a Data Analyst thereafter. Kriti has been a part of the Women In Data organization for over two years. Currently she runs the community as a Director of Programs.

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Sundas is a Data Scientist, working mom and tech enthusiast among other things! As a board member and Team Lead for Pakistani Women In Computing she advocates heavily for this group of women in tech. Her journey has been quite interesting, she’s a first generation immigrant who became the first female in her family to graduate college. After graduating college In 2014 she was able to secure a job at Amazon. She is currently still at Amazon working as a Data Scientist for one of the hottest tech companies online. Sundas continues to lead as a speaker for events like Grace Hopper, and presentations for features like Alexa, Kindle and PrimeNow.

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