Blog — TechSesh
Tech That Empowers: Celebrating Women in Tech with Gadgets That Go Beyond the Ordinary
Decode the bias in tech
Entrepreneur and Social Media Guru, Stephanie Cartin of Entreprenista
diversity in tech, CEO, women in tech, entrepreneur, Women Empowerment, woman crush wednesday, girllbossJessica NaziriEntreprenista, community, women in tech, Entrepreneur, Socialfly
AmorSui protects and dresses women in fashionable PPE
fashion tech, diversity in tech, communityspotlight, CEO, FashionTech, gear, international womens day, featured-main, Women Empowerment, interviews, shecreatesJessica NaziriAmorSui, Beau Wangtrakuldee, Women in Tech, women in sten, PPE
Fashion Tech Founder: Melissa Koerner
femalefounders, fashion tech, women in tech, Women Empowerment, featured-sub3Jessica Nazirifemale founder, goldenerre, smart jewelry, smart watch band, Melissa Koerner, fashion tech
Hagit Kaufman, VP of Brand and Design at Wix
CEO, interview, sheo, Women Empowerment, women in techJessica NaziriCEO, Brand, Design, Wix, VP, Hagit Kaufman, Girls in Tech, Career, Leadership, Tech
Kristel Kruustük, founder of Testlio
Deloitte's Alicia Hatch and how she made it
Leslie Heyer, founder of Cycle Technologies
Brooke Battle, founder of Swell Fundraising Advice
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She Creates: Danielle Twum
girllboss, international womens day, she creates, Women Empowerment, women in techJessica Naziriinternational womens day, women empowerment, stem, women in sten, women in stem, Inspiration, motivation, Danielle Twum, female empowerment, scientific communication, cancer immunology, physics heavy, biotech, science
Spotlight: Women in Data
A Female Engineer, FashionTech Designer, and Bad Feminist As Your Source of Inspo
Women Empowerment, women in tech, communityspotlightJessica Naziri#WomanCrushWednesday, #WCW, Roxane Gay, Madison Maxey, Brina Lee, FashionTech, Bad Feminist, Female Engineer
We are compiling a list of black women in tech and need your help to bring awareness
Spotlight on Black Women in Tech
She Creates: Earyn McGee
girllboss, international womens day, she creates, Women Empowerment, women in techJessica NaziriFemale Empowerment, research, natural resources, environment, Women In Stem, internationalwomansday, Earyn McGee, women in stem, Women in Tech
She Creates: Seema Kathuria
girllboss, international womens day, she creates, Women Empowerment, Women in Engineering, women in techJessica NaziriWomen in Tech, women in stem, Seema Kathuria, Female Empowerment, Female Engineer, marketing, Cybersecurity, digital transformation, technology, Computer Engineering
She Creates: Athena Brensberger
girllboss, international womens day, interview, NASA, she creates, SPACE, Women Empowerment, women in techJessica Nazirigirlboss, internationalwomansday, woman empowerment, Nasa, space, athena brensberger, SpaceX, Astroathens Channel, Female Empowerment, Female Engineer, Girls in Tech
She Creates: Catie Cuan
girllboss, she creates, Women Empowerment, women in tech, international womens dayJessica Nazirigirlboss, she creates, dancing robots, Catie Cuan, performer, choreographer, technologist, robotics, haptics, Science
She Creates: Shining the Spotlight on Women in STEM!
girllboss, Girls Who Code, Women Empowerment, international womens dayJessica Naziritechsesh, Leadership, Women in Tech, Female Empowerment, internationalwomansday, Women In Stem, Inspiring women, inspiration, Tech, Woman, STEM, girlboss, international womens day