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Creative Technologist | On-Air Digital Lifestyle Expert | Entrepreneur | Diversity Advocate
Jessica Naziri is the Editor-in-Chief of TechSesh, a digital destination curated to deliver technology and lifestyle content and community for women in tech. The inspiration behind the brand is mirrored from Jessica's day to day experiences working in tech and consulting for major tech brands.
As Seen On

About TechSesh
TechSech is a technology lifestyle brand committed to propelling, elevating and inspiring females into the tech industry through events, storytelling, and branding.
Our Mission
If there’s no seat at the table, make one and invite all the badass people you know. TechSesh was started to empower more women to get into tech positions and to be the change we want to see in the tech industry. There’s a shift coming and success will be measured by all the collective efforts, not the individual.

Follow for a behind the scenes glimpse of my real life as a techie, founder, mom.
This is not a highlight reel.
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